All in Health & Wellness

Mummy Self Care

Being a Mum shouldn't mean that you suddenly stop looking after yourself. In actual fact, you really need to look after yourself more than ever because if you aren't a hundred percent, you could fall ill. Then how will you be able to care for your little person? Here are a few of the ways I make sure I am looking after myself

Fave Vegan Nutrition Brands

As a vegan, one question that I keep on hearing is "But where do you get your protein?" Well this question does bug but I guess sometimes instead of getting annoyed, it's better to educate people. So, not only can vegans get a great amount of protein as well as other nutrients from a well balanced diet, but the world of health and wellness is booming along with veganism. Thus bringing about an influx of vegan proteins and food supplements. In the year and a half I have been vegan, I have tried and tested an array of vegan food supplements and proteins. Here are some of the best ones that I have found